Posted 09/02/2021 In Advice, Blog, News 2021-02-092021-02-09 Vigar 0 0 The Kickstart Scheme was introduced by the government to help created job placements for 16-24-year-olds on Universal Credit. Previously there was a requirement whereby companies had to offer a minimum of 30 job placements in order to access the scheme. However, this requirement has now been scrapped enabling smaller firms to apply. Although this opens up the scheme for smaller businesses to apply, you should still consider which is the best route if you are a smaller business, as there is still an administration process to meet. Unfortunately, it is not just as simple as starting a work experience programme and setting them work. You will need to provide regular support and have regular catch-ups to check how they are performing. Employers of all sizes can now apply for funding which covers: 100% of the National Minimum Wage (or the National Living Wage depending on the age of the participant) for 25 hours per week for a total of six months; associated employer National Insurance contributions; and, employer minimum automatic enrolment contributions. Employers can spread the start date of the job placements up until the end of December 2021. Further funding is available for training and support so that young people on the scheme can also get a job in the future. Find out more Recent PostsWright Vigar National Three Peaks ChallengeCharity BankingResidential Properties – Company or personal ownership?